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Outlines and desiderata


UNI IN STRADA is a cultural non-profit organization which aims to promote training, formation and introduction into the work-force for new graduates through the development of suitable professional skills, in the meanwhile having in mind the previous academic formation.


This organization was created by a group of academics, yet it includes professional managers and representatives of professional companies. Students are welcome. Each student has an equal role in the partnership.


Several events are provided in order to ensure job opportunities for new graduates such as:

  • meeting top Industries, professions and institutions

  • Educational Projects

  • conventions

  • cultural iniziatives & promos


Moreover, the organization offers to pursue social, cultural and educational developments.

UNI IN STRADA APS - Associazione di Promozione Sociale

Codice Fiscale 94081480652

P. IVA 06251200652

Iscritta al RUNTS il 17/02/23 - TSFO-01_000761911

Sede Operativa e Legale      

Campus universitario di Fisciano

via Giovanni Paolo II, 132

Edificio L4, Stanza 16 - 84084 - Fisciano (SA)

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